
Bad Newz for Vick

A federal grand jury in Richmond Virginia has put Michael Vick and three other cohorts in the dog house with an indictment on charges related to their alleged operation of a dogfighting ring based at a property Vick owns in southeastern Virginia called Bad Newz Kennels. Vick, a registered dog breeder, is charged with competitive dogfighting and conducting the venture across state lines. Dogfighting is a felony in Virginia and transporting dogs across state lines for the purpose of dogfighting is a federal crime. The indictment said that Vick was heavily involved with this venture. He was even involved with the deaths of eight losing dogs through electrocution, slamming to the ground, and various other methods.

This indictment spells big trouble for the National Football League, the Atlanta Falcons, and Michael Vick. Already struggling with image problems thanks to Tank Johnson and Pacman Jones, new Commissioner Roger Goodell and the NFL will be holding its breath as Vick's legal proceedings continue. For the Atlanta Falcons, the timing of this indictment could not have been worse as once backup quarterback Matt Schaub is now a Houston Texan . For Vick, this indictment hurts his already tarnished public reputation and may endanger his future in the NFL. Although the future looks grim, all anyone can do at this point is wait and see.

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