
Hey Mike, you are on the air!

As Michael Vick's legal troubles multiply, so does his audience. According to a poll conducted by Pew Research Center for People and the Press, twenty five percent of Americans followed the legal issues of Michael Vick very closely and eighteen percent said they followed the story about Vick’s legal woes more closely than any other story during the week of August 19 to 24, 2007. The media coverage on Vick was more closely watched than the coverage of the Iraq War or the 2008 Presidential Campaigns.

Football fans are curious if Michael Vick will play again in the National Football League. Parents, such as John Keilman of the Chicago Tribune, wonder how they will explain to their children what is happening to their favorite football player. Animal rights activists want the legal system to penalize Vick to the fullest. PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has places on their website including blog posts where fellow activists can make their outrage known about dog fighting to the National Football League. The black media claims the coverage of Vick’s current legal situation is unfair and racial. Casual observers of the news media are watching to find out what will happen to the once rising celebrity who was prominently featured in Nike commercials.

With the nation watching, how will Vick react?

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